Funny Quotes About Working at Walmart

Sam Walton was born to Thomas Gibson Walton and Nancy Lee on 29 March 1918 in Kingfisher, Oklahoma.

As the founder of Walmart, Sam Walton had a net worth of about 8.6 billion dollars. For a while, he was also touted to be the 'Richest Man in America'.

Looking back at Walton's childhood days, we gain that he didn't belong to a very well-to-do family — his father worked very hard to make ends meet. In a way, Sam went through all possible hardships that an average man could.

Initially, Walton started with small stores on the street, making the drive easier for the customers. Walton believed in one principle: cheaper products, nearby stores, fully stocked up shelves, and a wide variety of products. Eventually, after his stores' success, Walton finally marked the opening of the first official 'Wal-Mart' on 2 July 1962 in Rogers, Arkansas, at the age of 44.

From this point on, his hard work, a tremendous amount of dedication, and willingness to scale up made Wal-Mart what it is today. As a boss, Walton was the perfect leader, and his business philosophy was simple: he always believed in encouraging and motivating his employees to always strive for better results; the key to everything is the will to do it. He was a man who was not afraid to fight for what is right and what he believed in and treated everybody in the company like his extended family. Sam was indeed an inspiring man of great qualities!

Below are some of the most inspirational legacy quotes by Sam Walton. If you like this article, then you may also like our [Herb Kelleher quotes] and [Howard Schultz] quotes.

Sam Walton Quotes On Teamwork & Business

Read Sam Walton quotes on how outstanding leaders go and help their team.

1. "We take the best ideas from someone else."

- Sam Walton.

2. "A computer can tell you down to the dime what you've sold. But it can never tell you how much you could have sold."

- Sam Walton.

3. "High expectations are the key to everything."

- Sam Walton.

4. "Control your expenses better than your competition."

- Sam Walton.

5. "A town of less than 50,000 population cannot support a discount store for very long."

- Sam Walton.

6. "Ignore the conventional wisdom. If everybody else is doing it one way, there's a good chance you can find your niche by going in exactly the opposite direction."

- Sam Walton.

7. "I have always been driven to buck the system, to innovate, to take things beyond where they've been."

- Sam Walton.

8. "I am just trying to get ideas, any kind of ideas that will help our company."

- Sam Walton.

9. "Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chosen, well-timed, sincere words of praise. They're absolutely free and worth a fortune."

- Sam Walton.

10. "If I knew them I would call them by name, but even if I didn't I would still speak to them."

- Sam Walton.

11. "The two most important words I ever wrote were on that first Walmart sign, 'Satisfaction Guaranteed.'"

- Sam Walton.

12. "One person seeking glory doesn't accomplish very much."

- Sam Walton.

13. "You can learn from anybody and everybody."

- Sam Walton.

14. "I have always been driven to buck the system, to innovate, to take things beyond where they've been."

- Sam Walton.

15." There's absolutely no limit to what plain, ordinary, working people can accomplish if they're given the opportunity and encouragement to do their best."

- Sam Walton.

16. "I learned a long time ago that exercising your ego in public is definitely not the way to build an effective organization."

- Sam Walton.

17. "Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish."

- Sam Walton.

18. "Commit to your business. Believe in it more than anybody else."

- Sam Walton.

19. "Give ordinary folk the chance to buy the same things as rich people."

- Sam Walton.

20. "Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chosen, well-timed, sincere words of praise. They're absolutely free and worth a fortune."

- Sam Walton.

21. "Individuals don't win in business, teams do."

- Sam Walton.

22. "All that hullabaloo about somebody's net worth is just stupid, and it's made my life a lot more complex and difficult."

- Sam Walton.

23. "There's a lot more business out there in small-town America than I ever dreamed of."

- Sam Walton.

24. "We let folks know we're interested in them and that they're vital to us. Cause they are."

- Sam Walton.

25. "Leaders must always put their people before themselves. If you do that, your business will take care of itself."

- Sam Walton.

Sam Walton Quotes About Associates & Leadership

Sam Walton quotes that the only way to boost up your associate's confidence is by believing in themselves.

Higher expectations are the key to higher profit; Wal-Mart believes that there's only one boss: the customer.

26. "You can't just keep doing what works one time, everything around you is changing. To succeed, stay out in front of change."

- Sam Walton.

27. "The secret of successful retailing is to give your customers what they want."

- Sam Walton.

28. "The key to success is to get out into the store and listen to what the associates have to say."

- Sam Walton.

29. "We're all working together; that's the secret."

- Sam Walton.

30. "Exceed your customer's expectations. If you do, they'll come back over and over. Give them what they want – and a little more."

- Sam Walton.

31. "To succeed in this world, you have to change all the time."

- Sam Walton.

32. "Keep everybody guessing as to what your next trick is going to be. Don't become too predictable."

- Sam Walton.

33. "You can make a lot of mistakes and still recover if you run an efficient operation. Or you can be brilliant and still go out of business if you're too inefficient."

- Sam Walton.

34. "Appreciate everything your associates do for the business."

- Sam Walton.

35. "Information is power, and the gain you get from empowering your associates more than offsets the risk of informing your competitor."

- Sam Walton.

36. "I learned this early on in the variety business: You've got to give folks responsibility, you've got to trust them, and then you've got to check on them."

- Sam Walton.

37. "Capital isn't scarce. Vision is."

- Sam Walton.

38. "I had to pick myself up and get on with it."

- Sam Walton.

39. "Swim upstream. Go the other way. Ignore the conventional wisdom."

- Sam Walton.

40. "Most of us don't invent ideas. We take the best ideas from someone else."

- Sam Walton.

41. "If you want a successful business, your people must feel that you are working for them – not that they are working for you."

- Sam Walton.

42. "The way management treats associates is exactly how the associates will treat the customers."

- Sam Walton.

43. "Celebrate your success and find humor in your failures."

- Sam Walton.

44. "And like most other overnight successes, it was about twenty years in the making."

- Sam Walton.

45. "Share your profits with all your associates, and treat them as partners. In turn, they will treat you as a partner, and together you will all perform beyond your wildest expectations."

- Sam Walton.

46. "The key to success is to get out into the store and listen to what the associates have to say. It's terribly important for everyone to get involved. Our best ideas come from clerks and stock boys."

- Sam Walton.

47. "If you love your work, you'll be out there every day trying to do it the best you possibly can, and pretty soon everybody around will catch the passion from you, like a fever."

- Sam Walton.

48. "Communicate everything you can to your associates. The more they know, the more they care. Once they care, there is no stopping them."

- Sam Walton.

49. "The folks on the front lines – the ones who actually talk to the customer – are the only ones who really know what's going on out there."

- Sam Walton.

Inspiring Sam Walton Quotes

Wal-Mart strongly believes in customer satisfaction.

Below mentioned are some inspirational Sam Walton quotes about leadership, retail and vision, including some Sam Walton customer service quotes.

50. "I'd hate to see any descendants of mine fall into the category of what I'd call 'idle rich' – a group I've never had much use for."

- Sam Walton.

51. "There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else."

- Sam Walton.

52. "If you don't listen to your customers, someone else will."

- Sam Walton.

53. "All of us profit from being corrected."

- Sam Walton.

54. "If you want the people in the stores to take care of the customers, you have to make sure you're taking care of the people in the stores."

- Sam Walton.

55. "The goal of a company is to have customer service that is not just the best but legendary."

- Sam Walton.

56. "Lose your smile and lose your customers."

- Sam Walton.

57. "They're still up there, and they have made all the difference."

- Sam Walton.

58. "If I had to single out one element in my life that has made a difference for me, it would be a passion to compete."

- Sam Walton.

59. "There are only four things in life that matter. The first is happiness and I'll sell you the other three for a dollar."

- Sam Walton.

60. "Why do I drive a pickup truck? What am I supposed to haul my dogs around in, a Rolls-Royce?"

- Sam Walton.

61. "I had confidence that as long as we did our work well and were good to our customers, there would be no limit to us."

- Sam Walton.

62. "Plus, as I've said, if you don't want to work weekends, you shouldn't be in retail. "

- Sam Walton.

63. "Each Walmart store should reflect the values of its customers and support the vision they hold for their community."

- Sam Walton.

64. "We let folks know that we are interested in them and they are vital to us cause they are."

- Sam Walton.

65. "Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chosen, well-timed, sincere words of praise."

- Sam Walton.

66. "Everybody likes praise, and we look for every chance we can to heap it on somebody."

- Sam Walton.

67. "And this is a very important point: without the computer, Sam Walton could not have done what he's done."

- Sam Walton.

68. "My role has been to pick good people, and give them the maximum authority and responsibility."

- Sam Walton.

69. "The best way to reduce paying estate taxes is to give your assets away before they appreciate."

- Sam Walton.

70. "Curiosity doesn't kill the cat; it kills the competition."

- Sam Walton.

71. "Loosen up, and everybody around you will loosen up."

- Sam Walton.

72. "Take the best out of everything and adapt it to your needs."

- Sam Walton.

73. "Don't get so stuck in your ways that you can't change."

- Sam Walton.

74. "To succeed, you have to change."

- Sam Walton.

75. "It was almost as if I had a right to win. Thinking like that often seems to turn into sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy."

- Sam Walton.

76. "Do it. Try it. Fix it."

- Sam Walton.

77. "If one of our customers comes into the store without a smile, I'll give them one of mine."

- Sam Walton.

78. "You can make a positive out of the most negative if you work at it hard enough."

- Sam Walton.

79. "Most everything I have done, I have copied from others."

- Sam Walton.

80. "I had to pick myself up and get on with it, do it all over again, only even better this time."

- Sam Walton.

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